I am a graduate in Computer Engineering with nearly 3 years of experience in Mobile Development.
My passion for technology has also led me to delve into machine learning and the Internet of Things.
With my experiences and skills, I have been trained to tackle various challenges in app development,
and I believe that my dedication and creativity will positively impact the world of technology.
My Education
Computer Engineering ITS Surabaya
Focuses on the development of a machine learning program aimed at detecting age,
gender, and ethnicity of individuals through the analysis of images and videos. The success of the
project is evident in the program's ability to accurately detect age, gender, and ethnicity with a significant level of precision.
FEB-JUN 2021
Bangkit Academy
Graduated from Bangkit Academy held by Google as an Android Development Participant
by making Sign Language Translator application with other different learning path.
SMAN 6 Surabaya
Joining many extracurricular and becoming Head in one of three extracurricular in my highschool
also mananging excellent grade and creating relation with other.
Employment History
JAN - DEC 2023
IOS Engineer Intern at Apple Developer Academy
Collaborated with a cross-functional team, including designers and a project manager, I
managed to deliver a fully working application with different requirements using the Scrum framework and
an agile mindset.
Software Documentation Engineer
Facilitating the development process by providing technical requirement documents such
as API contracts, sequence diagrams, and flowmaps using sequencediagram.org, draw.io, postman and notion.
FEB-JUL 2022
Quality Assurance Intern at PT. Andromedia
Create product requirement and maintain the quality of product
by testing and checking bug or defect in production phase.
SEP-FEB 2021
Documentation Engineer Intern - DDB Telkom
Making sistem documentation including various UML diagram and Guide Book,
helping backend and frontend developer creating API by providing API contract.
Project Manager - Alpha Collective ID
Succsessfully managing 2 big project in event documentation and more than 10 mini project
in design, animation and video editing.
B201 Lab of Telematics
Laboratory Coordinator
Under graduate student that continuously suplemented myself by attending seminar,
participating on competition, joining some learning programs and organization.
FEB-JUN 2021
Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Komputer
Vice Chairman of Comunication and Information Division
Graduated from Bangkit Academy held by Google as an Android Development Participant
by making Sign Language Translator application with other different learning path.
ITS Cinematic & Movie Community
Vice Chairman
Joining many extracurricular and becoming Head in one of three extracurricular in my highschool
also mananging excellent grade and creating relation with other.